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Alycia's Back, Baby!

Writer's picture: John McCurryJohn McCurry

Updated: Jan 12

For those who are Facebook savvy, you may have seen the brief intro to our new Foster Family Liaison, Alycia Johnson. But wait, there’s more! And, as a foster parent (or close friend) of AGC Foster Care, you get the full vanilla-ice-cream-cone scoop on this mysterious former Wisconsinite. 

Like most of us, Alycia had a childhood. But unlike most of us, she lived all over the country, traveling here and there with her parents. No, not because they were on the run from the law (good guess!), but because her father was a military man. Put that in a blender, along with Alycia’s parents' incredible hearts to do ministry and plant churches, and you have yourself a unique concoction of a childhood. 

Now, what was ALSO interesting about her parents was they had Alycia when they were but tiny-weeny teenagers. They kicked the door in on the odds, stayed together, moved to various inner cities, left the door off the hinges, and invited struggling teens and young adults into their home where they were shown and told the love of Jesus. Alycia described her childhood homes as “hubs” for the hurting and parentless, saying “it never felt like ministry for me, it was just what life has always been." 

You might be tempted to find Alycia and say, “You had teenage parents! Woah! Did you know that’s what AGC specialized in for 25 years!” But not so fast! Because Alycia, in fact, does (did?) know that. In 2012, Alycia came to Kentucky to attend Asbury. She landed an interview with the one and only, Karl Smith, they shook hands, and she started doing what she said she would never ever ever ever do. Working with teenage girls. And of course, she crushed it, until eventually waving goodbye to Asbury and, what turned out to be a “see ya later” to AGC. But not before Pam Smith left the door open for her to come back…

Alycia then made the questionable decision to move to Wisconsin, where she invested her talents into growing an adoption agency, working with parents, running a pregnancy medical clinic, and other such awe-inspiring feats. 

Editors note: The interview with Alycia was going very well, until she casually mentioned she was also on very friendly terms with Skillet, and the interviewer (who will remain nameless) confessed he has been in love with their female singer for twenty years…

Finally, Alycia came to her senses and decided to come back to Kentucky. This is where the story gets even better. She told the Lord that if she came back, it would only be to work at AGC. So, she started praying. During that time of prayer, a job posting popped-up, Foster Care Liaison, All God’s Children. And boom. Interview. Another interview. A brief look into her family history to make sure they hadn’t been running from the law all those years, and one StrengthFinder test later, she’s back

Over ten years ago, Pam extended the invitation to return, and we can’t wait to see the impact Alycia will have on our community. 

Alycia’s Mom was pregnant with her at 15. Alycia was born the same month and year Karl opened their home to teen moms. This is a hugely significant fact to Alycia. She lovingly accused us of not telling their story enough and is ready to join us here in the fight for family wellbeing. “People will tell you to do this and that and it’ll change your life,” She says. “That’s not necessarily true. Jesus and family will change your life. And two parents together will change society.” 

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